OMG!!!! I have dev'd this room before..different colors...i have never seen it this's a great lil room..can place furniture anywhere..there are the standard7 or 8 standing nodes in a u can work around those.Dark setting..for u goths..vampires, creatures of the night, or just anyone that loves a dark setting..could use with a candle lit dinner..a small pub, with dances,and such...alot u can do with this room..u can put items on the walls as well and u can buy fire in the catalog for the fireplace..also i have fire places in my catalog that would go nicely in here..but u do need to buy the fire..or a fireplace with fire in it..i love this's small, but i have had lots of fun in the ones i on the walls..fishtanks..just a little imagination, goes a long way.Have fun with it...All sales are final so hope u is not very big..but big enough to put what u need to have a good time..winks.