This scene is EVIL!! Don't buy it! Don't even dare to enter it! If you are invited into this scene - LEAVE IMMEDIATELY! This scene is full of hypnotic elements, motions of pseudo-organic structures with embedded subliminal messages that will wash your brain, cleanse your mind and drive you nuts! This room is in constant motion, its perpetual and omnipresent flow will capture visitors like insects which are trapped in viscous syrup. This claustrophobic impression is getting worse if someone dares to call "hum". You have been warned! And never type "voices" in this scene - NEVER!

Please note that this product is highly experimental! There is no guarantee for any result - use at your own risk!

If - against all warnings - you purchased this product, PLEASE submit a review here with your experiences! Which influence did this scene have on YOU when you entered it the first time? Which reactions did your visitors show when they had been invited in this place? And, last not least but most important: WHAT did the voices tell you?