PerfumeRoom Products map of GH site

Product info

Plasma screen TV. Uses a floor node, has 2 standing spots which activate youtube flash player. Videos are synced to all users who activate it (for more info please go here).

Due to its price, this item is not included in the bundles.

room + Decorative furniture (16) + FLASH TV + POSE FURNITURE (16)

sky2 still curtain anim curtain chandelier lamp end table candleholder
wall picsAPPPPPPPP pics mirror plasmatv FLASHHHHHHH fur floor blanket striped fur rug
chest of drawers dressing table screen cube ottoman single cube sofa 2sofas 1bigfriendssofa
vase roses drinks APPPPPP dodo pillow pillow pile pillow talk pillow kiss talk
3pillows cuddling 2 prpl plws 3 poses pinkpllw 1pillow GA tufted 2 pillows APPPPPP pillow 2posesAPPPPPP
blanket round sofa ottoman room bundleGA bundleAP


Purple, lilac, pink, dark, dim light, city at night, small apartment, reflective floor, indoor pool, floor to ceiling windows, pillows with cuddling poses, animated kissing for small heads, intimate ambient