The Gravestones

Are you ready to put the Fun back into Funerals? Well then rock that Graveyard with the animated Gravestones. These extremely active stones can be possessed with ghosts that will fling them around in all sorts of comical ways. And, like any furniture item, you can copy them, scale them, and move them around to your hearts delight. Fill your room with them, or just stuff one in the corner under a tree for a quick surprise for your friends and guests. Whatever the occasion, they make for a Ghoulishly Good Time!

Commands are:
Bend - Makes your Gravestone(s) all bend Right and Left once.
Twist - Makes the Stone(s) twist like taffy.
Stretch - Makes the Stone(s) stretch and shoot back like Rubber.
Fly - Sends the Stone(s) into the air in one of 4 randomly picked flights.
Flip - Makes the Stone(s) do a Backflip.
Haunt - Randomly plays one of the, above mentioned, animations, 12 times, along with a "Pause" animation. The Pause animation allows the stone to remain still, so when it does animation, it's more dramatic. If you place several Stones in a room, this makes them all animate in different and surprising ways with just one command!

Want to write your own stuff on those Stones? Maybe add some HAUNTING sound effects?? Then DERIVE IT! Make your own version, and even sell it the catalog for a small markup over my original, and keep the extra profits for yourself! You can express yourself AND earn credits at the same time. How's that for a sweet deal? You'll need a full account on IMVU, as well as a copy of Previewer. You can find out more about Deriving on the IMVU's Education Center. Below is the template you'll need to get started:

This is the Texture map for the Face of the Gravestone. I've reduced it down to 128x256 to keep the file size small well still allowing the stone to be very readable. You can use up to 512x512, but as the image gets bigger, so does the file size:

This is the Opacity layer for the Face. As you can see, I've used a light gray against white, which makes the stone mostly solid. The light gray allows some of the texture movement on the inner stone to come through. The more dark you make these markings, the easier it will be to see the inner stone. Unless you want your gravestone to flash like a disco-tech, I suggest you use light shades of gray rather then a more clearly visible solid black hole:

This is a Blank Face texture, so you can add whatever logos and text you want to the stone. Just make sure to reduce the size to 128x256 when you're done editing this image. Also make sure you're holes on the Opacity layer line up with the Texture map for the best results:

This is the Wireframe layout for the Face of the stone. Use this to make a completely new Texture map, as well as to help you add holes to the Opacity layer. This is something best left to the advanced users:

This is the Texture map for the Sides and Back of the Gravestone:

I haven't included an Opacity layer image for the Sides and Back, because the image I used is just a solid white image. Unless you want holes, just use the texture map that's included. Otherwise, make a copy of your Texture map for the Sides and Back, then paint everything you want solid White, and use a Gray or Black for the areas you want to ne transparent. Anything that's not pure White will allow the Inner stone to show through, which looks great for animated effects like sparks, pulses, electricity and other flashy special effects.

This is the Wireframe for the Sides and Back. You will need this if you want to make your own Opacity layer:

This is the Texture used on both the Inner Face and Inner Back/Sides. You could use anything here, I used a simple gray bar. Change the color if you want the words to pulse in another color. Or use a completely different texture if you want, say, Lava or Lightning effects. You can also use Opacity layers for the Inner surfaces, but I used a simple solid White texture, which is why you don't see it included here:

It's worth noting that the mapping on the Inner surfaces is the same as the Outer ones. You could use the glowing effects on the outer surfaces and apply the Texture map for the Face and Sides to the Inner surfaces. Then turn on the Animation for the Outer parts and turn off the Animation for the Inner surfaces. This would allow you to cover the outside of the stone in Fire, Goo, or any other kind of animated covering.

To add sound, I highly recommend you download and use Audacity. It's a free sound editing tool that can export out OGG sound files. OGG sound files compress down to less then 1/10th the file size of WAV files. SO USE OGG FILES!!! You can download it here: