Thank you for visiting my catalog today. I hope that your stay here is a welcome one. Right now you are looking at a very special rug I like to call Holy Rug Mesh. Just as it sounds it is a rug and well, it is my very first furniture mesh I have made public. This rug has no standing spots on it and is simply a rug. I put a picture with my avatar standing next to it to give you a general idea on how big the mesh is proportion wise.

If you wish to derive from this item, I would ask you to please set your item to non derivable so it does not cost customers too much money. I want to try to keep prices low and would prefer people to derive from this mesh directly to keep costs down.

The nice thing about this mesh is you can also buy it outright as it is as it will make a nice addition to any room. The photograph itself is something I took with my digital camera. All the work I create is under copyright. Please do not copy my works directly. If you derive from this rug you agree to change all templates, unless you have spoken with me.

This is located under furniture once you purchase. When you want to move this item more precisely you can use the furniture move button along with holding the ctrl key or shift key to make the move of this item more precise.


This will match really well with Heavenly Mansion located here:

There are also other great items in my catalog, so please take your time and look around here. I will be adding more items, but have put this out for now until I can get more products made for everyone. If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know.

If you are tired of not seeing enough everyday items in the IMVU community and you want to see more items that you might use in real life, then you have come to the right place.

My goal is to create a product line for both females and males that would be more fitting to what you might use on a normal basis in your daily life. I hope that you enjoy this product.

**Please understand that you should still ask any questions you might have before final purchase. All sales are final and there will be no refund.**

Please take the time to leave a review for me so I can learn what you would like to see made here on IMVU. Thank you in advance and God bless you.

I made some teaching videos for IMVU. If you would like to learn more how to develop check on my episode series on blip tv. I would like to take the time to thank blip tv for making the videos possible since they are one of the few web site that lets you upload more than 10 minutes of content. Just click on the tiny picture right below here and it will take you to my teaching videos.

