This is the ANIMATION POSE SPOT. Just place the Spot on the floor in your room or club...and hop on! Masculine/Feminine are indicated by Blue/Pink respectively. Well, this is not the usual product for me :) This is couple animation of wedding Ceremony. The full animation duration - is 2 min 30 sec: - 0:0- 0:16 -- standing negotiation; - 0:16-1:25 -- go forward to isle (the distance is about 15 meters) - 1:42 -- turn faces to each other - 1:48 -- "Yes" words - 2:00 -- Kiss - 2:11 -- turn back and idle - 2:30 -- animation stops, character freezed in last frame (so, you will be able to change spots whenever you want) The Girl should have a small flowers bouquet in her Left hand (the object is not supplied in the product). The Kiss works good with middle-sized heads. Don't use avatars scalers with this device to avoid hands and animation space synchronization problems.