This is the INESA - always - BALD Head!
P.S This is a SMALL head, not like the normal painted heads!!

Frequent questions:-

This is the head of INESA. It's a painted head which means it's not animated! Why?! Because it has a closed eye!!! So it's not possible yet to make one eye closed and the other opened + animated. Also she doesn't smile or turn sad!! This face will be always yours as it is. It's made with this innocent - after death - mood, still it changes slightly with moods and expressions.

Why I made two heads??! Simply because one is compatible with any hair and the other one is always BALD. If you already purchased the bald hair, it's better that you buy the head with hair, so you'll have the two options.

Why I made this item?! In memory of innocents who died in wars. Inesa means Innocent (in greek)

Enjoy INESA character!!

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