The Saint NC

A cool night club also great for public rooms

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2 levels, Upstairs a great balcony with view over the club

A stage for performing &  a big dancefloor for dancing with your friends

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Animated Lcd screens and neon signs around the dancefloor

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around the dancefloor is a big bar with lots of barstools to sit

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 A few custrum poses on the barstools

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Lots of sitting area's to chat and relax all around the club

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Lots of furniture nodes to place you own furniture in

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Matching club furniture you can find in my catalog

Or you can click on the icons


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More colors of this same night club you can find in my catalog

Or you can click on the icons to see the pics


Click on the Banner

developermutsiebanner.gif picture by mutsies

mutsiebanner.gif picture by Mutssss