
So! Since I get about a message every so often telling me that this skin doesn't work, let me just tell ya a bit before you buy it.
First.... Normal heads do not give this skin a smooth mouth area.
Second.... To get the effect that you see in this image below, when using a normal head, you have to be in a "shadowless room" (a lot of green rooms are shadowless)
Finally...a lot of my skins aren't meant to be worn for "every-day-use", I create a lot of them for contest use and for graphic design images. There-for they're not going to work/look the same in all rooms and/or lighting, meaning depending on the "lighting" the image will vary.
If you're not ok with this ... then don't buy the skin, but please don't leave a bad review because you didn't bother to ask WHY it doesn't work or for just not reading this. Thank you.
If you'd like to have a head without lips please check out MMK's, Mine or BelleMorte's

