Shedoe's Creations presents!


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Featuring a beautiful pure white pegasus that lifts you and another person high up into the air and flies you around. There are no triggers. Simply sit atop this beautiful animal and it takes you for a flying adventure! I discovered this mesh by MrAnimate and fell in love with it. It is by far the most incredible pegasus mesh I have found on IMVU and I just had to derive it for my catalog to share with you. I made my pegusas whiter and brighter to give it that heavenly pure white color. I hope you enjoy this as much as I am!

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This is not a short little ride but a full flight, very high so this is a great product for very large rooms. You will love your beautiful white pegasus as it spreads giant white wings and flies you high into the skies up into the heavens above the world. Everything will look tiny below you for you will be as high as an airplane.

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And then just as magically as it took you up it gently takes you back down.

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It is furniture so it will stay in the room. Use your tools to add as many as you wish to your rooms.

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