We remember when we were young...how things used to be ^^ The excitement of a carnival coming to town. What stand out in my mind most of all, is the carousel...No matter how young or old you are, it is always fun to take a ride on the CAROUSEL ^.....~

Poem by Dorothy Morgan

...And when they grow older somehow I know,
they'll never forget this great carnival show.
Where dancing and prancing,
horses took them around
and moved in accord to the carousel sounds
A never ending round of applause,
and all of this is just because
An old man saw and envisioned a time
When the ponies would be forever enshrined.
Capturing hearts of the young and the old,
and if the story ever be told . . .
At times If you listen you can hear him still . . .
" Come , you little ponies upon the hill We will ride and let the mood take us far but never will we roam so far away in years or time . . .
On the carousel we are at home "

Seat spots on both the horses as well as the seats, two actions:
startride - starts the carousel ride
stopride - stops the carousel ride.
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CaYzCaYz Carousel BUNDLE ^ . ~