A New Class of Experimental Starship, using Coaxial Warpdrive.
The Ship has Quantum Bio-neural Circritry so crew complement is small and
uses a network of sub computers distributed through out the superstructure of the ship, replacing a central computer core. If one computer circuit is damaged it's processes can be shunted to another part without loss of survice.
The Ship has a built in repair system, using combined transporter and Replicator technology, given enough time the ship can completley repair itself.
The Ship's Shields are a high cycle rotating frequency, improved Metaphasic shield, making them Borg resistant, as well as capable of flying within a stars coronasphere.
The Coaxial Drive is capable of moving the ship in any direction instantly.
The main power core uses a high efficentcy Quantum Multi Phasic anti-matter reactor, giving a 30% increase to power output from a reactor of the same size.
The CDN-Sabar has only one Production ship, the USS Colibri
The USS Colibri has one Photon tube and Two Banks of Phasers,
and of the 2 ships is the only one armed.