This nostalgic Oldtimer Ford Thunderbird 1964 from BlkVenom's Cars Collection has been turned into a BASS BOOSTED GANGSTA MP3!! Not only can you now listen to great music mixes for over 12 hours non stop on repeat... this car will also drive you around the place with 35 triggers to explore!! NEW triggers OpenAll and CloseAll and special soundeffects are added to the original. Take a testdrive in the shop! Find your fav colour, or let me make one for you xD

TRIGGERS: GoTB, Run, Stop, Straight, Left, Right, S, <, >, OpenAll, CloseAll, OpenDL, CloseDL, OpenDR, CloseDR, OpenHood, CloseHood, OpenTrunk, CloseTrunk, LightsOn, LightsOff, Rev, Start, Vrooommm, Stay, Drive1, Drive2, Drive3, Horn1, Horn2, Horn3, Horn4, Siren1, Siren2, Tune.

This amazing car has 2 front seats and a cuddle pose on the backseat and on the roof! 4 standing dots around the car give you 10 places to activate the music player with and a menu will appear on your screen, join in on the music that the others in the room already listen to by pressing the playbutton. Or restart and sync the music for the whole room by choosing the mix you like. Enjoy!
Please leave a review at the bottom of this page. Thank you!

Maybe you want to have your own MP3 player? Thats possible! contact W0rkingGirl
MP3 car prices are different because derivation prices are higher, please ask for info.

NEW: Your custom Menu, with your own picture and fav colour!

BlkVenom's BUGATTI BUNDLE (without music):