Jungle Pavillion features portraits of 12 wildlife images: tigers, giraffe, zebra, stork, cranes, parrot, wildebeast, gazelle, elephant and blue heron. All pictures are copyright RFS, MA 2006 as they are photos I have taken on safari. Enjoy my adventures with me in this setting of natural elements; a light bamboo floor (renewable resource) and a jungle canopy overhead. I have left all images, including the jungle canopy overhead, one sided that if you pull back in your browser for a long view, all will become invisible allowing easier, unimpeded snapshots. Images and canopy will be seen only from inside the room.

When you furnish, you may like to consider my matching 'natural' furniture line. Love and appreciate our wildlife, help them if you can, I cry to know tigers will go extinct in our lifetime - all due to human encroachment of their habitats.

Here are 3 views to show you all of the photographs I was priviledged to take:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Auto-Blinger available on my homepage!

If you enjoy the grandeur of the universe even half as much as I do, view my other products for a huge array of matching furnishings and rooms!
Thank you as always to NASA and Hubble!