


Thank you for visiting my catalog today. I hope that your stay here is a welcome one. Right now you are looking at a very special office room I like to call Holy Office. This is an open room which means you can add furniture to it. It comes with a stationary desk and chair that have sitting positions.

I have created all templates within this work and would kindly ask you to not reproduce any of it. This room I have created I was sure to mark non derivable as it contains not only my template work on all templates, but a photo as well for which I had to pay to use in this work.

Although I am not required to mention his name according to license agreement, I am going to anyway. I would like to say a special thank you to Sam Mugraby from whom I purchased an extended license to use his photograph that he personally took of Jerusalem Dome of the Rock Area. I do not take credit in any way, shape or form for his photograph that is setting in the background of this room. If anyone needs to see the license I purchased, I do not have an issue providing such information to that individual for proof needed. Thank you for doing such great photography Sam. If you like his photo work, you should look up his name and see what he has to offer.

There are also other great items in my catalog, so please take your time and look around here. I will be adding more items, but have put this out for now until I can get more products made for everyone. If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know.

If you are tired of not seeing enough everyday items in the IMVU community and you want to see more items that you might use in real life, then you have come to the right place.

My goal is to create a product line for both females and males that would be more fitting to what you might use on a normal basis in your daily life. I hope that you enjoy this product.

Please try before you buy to make sure this is what you want and like.

Please take the time to leave a review for me so I can learn what you would like to see made here on IMVU. Thank you in advance and God bless you.
