A Shadow Ops Style - Low Reflectivity / Matte Finish Black & Dark Charcoal Gray Animated Throwing Knife
On a Right Calf Scabbard with 5 Triggers for the Male Avatar (Works for females too - TRY IT)

Click on thumbnail for a larger, zoomed in view
http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv187/El_Lunarino/Dev/ICO%20Knife/Image54.png http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv187/El_Lunarino/Dev/ICO%20Knife/Image56.png http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv187/El_Lunarino/Dev/ICO%20Knife/Image58.png
- DRAWK - Draw the knife -
- KNIHOL - Reholster the knife -
- THROW - Throw the knife -
- K1 - Stab action 1 -
- K2 - Stab action 2 -