This Eyes in particular are inspired on my own eyes, (which you can find on the Female Eyes section ^^), but guys deserve to have a pair of decent eyes too, so here it is XD. Obvious, unlike the girls one, this were altered to be extra glossy, (without looking like you have crystal balls instead of eyes thought lol), and I did brighten them up quite a bit so there true color essence could shine through, more of a fantastic look, but yet real in the sense of were they came from and there overall look of the eyes except for the brighten colors of it ^^. Great quality and resolution went to them, you maybe able to see the muscles of the iris in fact XD. So come and make this pair of eyes yours today ^_^. Photobucket - Video and Image HostingP.S.: If you would like to see this type of eyes in other colors, please let me know ^^. First male product I submit so please be nice now XD. lol