Ancient Defender
Derivable Shield with triggers! :D Defend your kingdom!
SH - Draw Shield
SHH - Holster Shield
SHP - moves your left hand ONLY and protects you, can be used at any time with any other pose to make you protect yourself.
SHPP - Permanent protect
SHG - Guard Pose, Permanent
SH1 - pose
SH2 - pose
SH3 - pose
SH4 - pose
NEW IN 1.1!
Note: If you are going to use the perm triggers, move to another spot(furniture) to reset the shield's triggers, permanent triggers are there to do as they state, PERMANENT so if you use it make sure that you do want the shield to do ONLY THAT for now. Don't use the permanent ride then draw the shield, it'll just make you float while the shield is in your hand, and that just looks silly :p
SHR - ride for a while
SHRP - ride forever
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