This is a magical space i am very very prowd of. It has a warm charm and cozy realistic feel living here, i enjoy so much i wish to share it with u. A lovely two room cottage to live in, open spaces to wander around and decorate as u wish. A secret i share only with u....stand by the waterfall..and stepping stones will appear in the pool of water, say "open says me"(if u wish)... and enter the magical chamber i call my work room these days. A lovely cave snuggled under the higher lake. I am living here now and wanted to tell u this place is very large with many places to play and decorate. with a high plateau with nodes, another without, but with ur move tool and shift u can go up and down, move tool and Ctrl and u go side to i have decorated the other high plateau and the high lake above the waterfall. I love it here. I have been making items for it if u look in my catalog. I will try to make one public for a short time to let u walk thru it, or just message me and i will with any of my rooms. Enjoy! Please leave me a sparks my imagination to create my inspiration...Thank You and God bless... Photobucket, Photobucket