The scene is in the shape of a heart with a steel arrow piercing the central heart. At first you only see the central heart shaped room but look closely and theres much much more to be found ...

The main room where the avatar enter is shaped as a Heart with a glowing coal gray floor and firey hearts aglowing around the walls it is extremely atmospheric. Could be used as a club room with private rooms off it or as a unique out of this world develish residence. There is a tiny room in the feather end of the scene with velvet red plush padded walls and the floor has a bleeding red heart lit on fire so the whole floor is alight. on the arrow end is a tiny chamber with a single standing spot and a hidden hatch, go down the padded velvet red stairs and you reach a hidden room chamber dungeon what ever you want to make it. this room has a with a small room in the feather end of the arrow and a room under the arrow also has a fire and heart theme - the tiny heart shaped lights on the top and bottom of the walls and each wall panel has a central fire flaming heart with glowing flames but with in this heart is another lit heart so shows heart held within a heart captured for ever soul within soul representing combining of two lovers to form one firey joined mass of . This is a devil firey room as the floor in this room is lit with the fire of love and flames cover the glowing floor. this is a magical scene of and love. It contains standing nodes but is left for you to fill with the furniture of your choice to bring your ultimate love firey fantasy to life.

The below images include the furniture I made for this room - they are bundled together to give the complete experience :) have fun

The perfect bundle for lovers and spending time with your special someone. This is a hot hot firey bundle with red hearts and lots of orange flames it should set the scene and make things heated. Its heart shaped cupid room complete with accessories, dances very romantic, a set of floor cusions with lots of poses and a hot hot animated firey bed, theres a cool heart where couples stare into one anothers eyes as the heart they sit on pulses and turns a lovers plush red squiggy sofa you can sit awhile and talk then have a cuddle. And to say u love that special person theres a little black box with a rose on it - press on it and little hearts come out around another large heart saying I love u . Its a very romantic sweet package complete with dances so just add music to set the scene and have fun.

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