NPC Vyro's gloves! Try on first.

It is said that in Ancient Times, there was a garden. The garden could never be found by the Living, only the Dead. Inside the garden is a stairway that connects Earth to the Heavens. Souls of the deceased would journey across the world to this garden to ascend the stairway where they would be judged and placed correctly in the afterlife. This gate was the Gate of Oddys. However, with Good there must be Evil. All living beings are born with goodness and purity, and become corrupted with time. Some are immune to the Corruption, others fall from the temptation, and still others willingly fall into Corruption's wicked hands. Among the living, the Corrupted, who had been kept under control by the Good, became listless and more clever as time passed. They devised a plan to take control of Odyssus, and with this control, they could take the deceased Souls for themselves, using them as evil vessels to wreak havoc upon the living, and eradicating Good once and for all. The members of the Council of Earth quickly came together to devise a solution. They must sent out the strongest of the races to protect the Gate, and to destroy the Corrupted before the world is lost to Evil. And so the journey begins.