Disclaimer: My headdresses keep getting blamed for something I can't help. People, please, USE THE TRY IT. It's not my mesh, I cannot help that it does not look as good with some hairstyles as others. Deal with the way it was built and use a hair that fit better with it. If you don't like it, go bother someone who makes meshes to get a mesh made that fits better on more poofy hairstyles.

What's V.V. stand for you ask? Velvet Vintage of course!
Here we have a lovely new red velvet lolita headdress, trimmed with off-white lace.
This matches my V.V. Lolita dress-Red.
Dress up!
(May not work with some hair styles. It's nothing I can fix.)

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This product was created by AthLi Creations (AtherineEteweo and LisuKitty).

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