Well People, let me present my beloved mascot Hamy alias Eric XD (Eric is actually his real name...kinda lol). This adorable sticker is Width3.96x 3.83Height somewhat, (Great to hide that pesky Advertisement add thingy XD lol). Is NOT transparent but it will fit just fine below or above any column on the right side of your homepage as well, (in fact is the exact width of the right column of your homepage here, if this give you a idea of the size of it ^^). So is not like is going to ruin or mess up your Homepage design now. So make of my mascot the guardian of your Homepage today ^_^. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting * (This picture is here to give you an idea of how your sticker will look like in sense of size and overall appearance. Obviously the one you may purchase will NOT have the "sample" watermark and my avi initials). Enjoy ^^