The steady creak of carriage wheels had long since lulled it's passengers into slumber...'tis unfortunate that one of said wheels felt the need to wander, thus jolting awake the couple within and leaving them hopelessly stranded in unfamiliar territory. Would that the area they now found themselves be that of a quaint little village, with reputable lodging, all would be well...however, 'twas not the case. A weathered sign labels their location to be that of 'Grimm Hollow', it's sky an eerie gray palor which offset the gnarled silhouettes of it's woodland.
Whilst the gentleman sets about securing the wayward wheel, the lady, wishing to add the warmth of fire to their gloomy surroundings, sets to a simple meal, but being the adventurous soul she is, she cannot resist just a brief exploration. As if the lone, dark raven whom had immediately taken to staring was not unsettling enough, there were also the freshly lain earthen mounds which quite obviously housed several recently departed. Also was there a most curious figure, with sticks for arms and a the head of a jack-o-lantern, and whilst this alone was not entirely strange, the odd flicker which could be seen within the roughly carved holes of it's eyes most certainly was. Despite their strangeness, these objects one could at least fashion a logical explanation for, alas the next proved a more difficult challenge. Rising upward from a small patch of sickly looking grass rose a large, gnarled tree, it's limbs adorned by dangling, human skulls whose macabre knocking echoed through the darkness.
Lastly, and no doubt the most disturbing, is of course the dark figure upon horseback who suddenly tears it's way through the earth at the base of this tree...and a headless one at that. The only light which dare creep near him being that of the moonlight glinting upon his drawn blade, he races through the Hollow, wishing only to obtain that which he himself is lacking...a head...or perhaps two.

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