After looking all 6099 eye entries, (which actually took me 2 days to look them all -_-), at this moment, still didn’t find a set of eyes that may look exactly like mine. They were close but when they weren’t too artificial looking, they were realistic yet not my color XD. So at the end had to take a picture of my own eye and manipulate it a little in size so it could fit to the avatar ^^, that was it, no color changing, no glossy effects, just like it is. So if you think my eye color is the one that appears to be similar to yours, or you just like them XD, come right ahead and take them with you today ^_^. Great quality and resolution, you maybe able to see the muscles of the iris in fact XD, Enjoy ^^. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting P.S.: If you would like to see this type of eyes in other colors, please let me know ^^. First product I submit so please be nice now