Description: The EVE II is quite simply, the *new* most advanced Weapon on IMVU. Not only do you get the gun itself, but you get a functional laser, torch, silencer, grenade launcher, knife (which is usable in the hand too) and Scope. With that, you get suppressed shots, Sniper snots, and normal shots. On top of that, you get 4 aiming actions, including normal, sniper and kneeling. Truly the ultimate weapon available to you at a Resonable Price! Commands are:
- DRAW - Draw the EVE II from the belt -
- REHOL - Put the EVE II back on the holster -
- RE - Reload the EVE II -

- DRAWS - Draw the Silencer -
- SILHOL - Reholster the Silencer -
(Shooting commands for the Silencer are different to the default shots. See below for Silencer and Default shots)
- DRAWSC - Draw the Scope -
- SCOHOL - Reholster the Scope -
- DRAWG - Draw the Grenade Launcher -
- GREHOL - Reholster the Grenade Launcher -
(See in the shooting section for Grenade Launcher fire commands -
- LON - Activate the Laser -
- LOFF - Turn off the Laser -
- TON - Activate the Torch -
- TOFF - Turn off the Torch -
- DRAWK - Draw the knife (in hand) -
- KNIHOL - Reholster the knife (in hand) -
- ATK - Attach the knife to the gun -
- DEK - Remove the knife from the gun -
- K1 - Swipe your knife -
- K2 - Stab with your knife -
- K3 - Swipe with your knife, but Stronger -
(All shooting actions are listed here. It works like this:
Shoots have a standard code e.g. BS for forward, LS for left ect.
For Silenced version, there is an extra S e.g BSS for forward, LSS for left ect.
For Sniper shots, it is SF (Sniper Forward) ect)
This may help in remembering them
- AIM - Aim the gun forwards -
- BS - Shoot forwards -
- LS - Shoot to the left -
- RS - Shoot to the right -
- BSS - Shoot forwards (In Silenced Mode) -
- LSS - Shoot to the left (In Silenced Mode) -
- RSS - Shoot to the right (In Silenced Mode) - - SWEEP - Shoot all round forwards, good for rooms -
- SWEEPS - Shoot all round forwards, good for rooms (In Silenced Mode) -
STANCE 2 (Advised use of Scope, use DRAWSC)
- AIM2 - Aim the gun forwards -
- BS2 - Shoot forwards -
- LS2 - Shoot to the left -
- RS2 - Shoot to the right -
- BSS2 - Shoot forwards (In Silenced Mode) -
- LSS2 - Shoot to the left (In Silenced Mode) -
- RSS2 - Shoot to the right (In Silenced Mode) -
- SF - Sniper shot forwards (Requires Silencer) -
- SL - Sniper shot to the left (Requires Silencer) -
- SR - Sniper shot to the right (Requires Silencer) -
- AIM3 - Aim the gun forwards -
- BS3 - Shoot forwards -
- LS3 - Shoot to the left -
- RS3 - Shoot to the right -
- BAS3 - Shoot backwards -
- BSS3 - Shoot forwards (In Silenced Mode) -
- LSS3 - Shoot to the left (In Silenced Mode) -
- RSS3 - Shoot to the right (In Silenced Mode) -
- BASS3 - Shoot backwards (in Silenced Mode) -
- AIM4 - Aim the gun forwards -
- BS4 - Shoot forwards -
- LS4 - Shoot to the left -
- RS4 - Shoot to the right -
- BSS4 - Shoot forwards (In Silenced Mode) -
- LSS4 - Shoot to the left (In Silenced Mode) -
- RSS4 - Shoot to the right (In Silenced Mode) -
- SF2 - Sniper shot forwards (Requires Silencer) -
- SL2 - Sniper shot to the left (Requires Silencer) -
- SR2 - Sniper shot to the right (Requires Silencer) -
GRENADE SHOTS (Be sure the Grenade Launcher is drawn, DRAWG)
- GRF - Shoot a grenade in velocity I -
- GRF2 - Shoot a grenade in velocity II -
- GRF3 - Shoot a grenade in velocity III -
- GRF10 - Shoot a grenade in velocity X (basically a Nuke) -
- GRFII - Shoot a grenade in velocity I (but Kneeling) -
- GRFII2 - Shoot a grenade in velocity II (but Kneeling) -
- H1 - Shot off your gun -
- H2 - Shot off your gun -
- H3 - Shot off your gun -
- H4 - Shot off your gun -
- SCAN - Check the surroundings -
- NE - Disable any aim or action your currently using -