This is a family developer sticker. If you like our products, buy a sticker and help support us by showing us to the wider imvu community on your page.

you are also welcome to grab some code from us so you can put a static image with a link on your page...thats free but its static where as the sticker is movable of course and has no linking properties...the code is at the bottom of the catalog window and its free! though if you would like to support us by buying a sticker - thankyou!!!

transparent background,,, works nice on most backgrounds -actual size shown above - its a bit bigger than most sticker in filesize but we think its too spunky to reduce...enjoy~~~~~



copy & paste this code into your page to display our linkable banner!


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>