The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity: Sarah Burns

Known in some parts of the world as: Concubine of The Cursed

The Great Archives Record: The cursed and the curser - bringing downfall and ill favour to kings and peasants alike!

Veronique stumbles upon a creature who's eyes reveal an evil she had never encountered before in all her thousands of years on this earth.

Despite the fear that washed over Veronique she had to know bout this creature. She approached with caution watching her every move. The red dress was so tempting and almost seemed as if it was calling to her.

"Come to me, come and see what I have for you."

She approached slowly, she got close enough to smell the sweet smell of blood on this creatures body. This made it even more irresistible, she couldnt stop now she had to know more.

Sarah, knowing someone was approaching did not falter nor loose her trian of thought. She was determined to rid this world of all horror and if this creature approaching tried to stop her...there would be a high price to pay for this.

The creature came closer and Sarah waited patiently until the right time....was it now?