Exclusive to LW Exports Inc., custom made by the ICO Corporation, comes a pair of 12 bore, double barreled sawn-off shotguns, complete with thigh holsters. These little beasts feature an array of commands and a couple of bonus poses.
*Please Note* - this product is for MALE only, and can be found in Male Accessories. Female versions of these weapons can be found in the LW Exports Inc. catalogue.

Triggers are:
drawso = Draw the weapons from the holsters
reso = Reload the weapons while drawn
aimso = Aim the weapons while drawn
sof = Fire the weapons forward while drawn
sob = Fire the weapons either side, arms stretched, while drawn
sor = Fire the weapons right while drawn
sol = Fire the weapons left while drawn

Quick-Draw and fire, holstered then reholstered:
qdf = fire forward
qdb = fire both sides, arms stretched
qdr = fire right
qdl = fire left
Bonus poses:
h1 = Guns held upwards while drawn, as in the product picture and image below
ne = An 'idle' pose, for use either drawn or holstered.

LW Exports Inc. twin Sawn-off shotguns LW Exports Inc. twin Sawn-off shotguns

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