This product is a mesh intended for developers to derive from. If you buy it, you will end up with an ugly-looking purple skintight.
If you are wishing to purchase a derived version of these male skintight pants, please check them out here. You can find the female version of these skintight pants here.

Developer's guide

Welcome developer. This is a quick guide to deriving from this mesh family, with some information on the texturing patterns used and several templates aimed at making your life easier. This mesh is fully designed to be easily derived from so that you can easily make your own skintight products to fit your needs.


This derivable skintight mesh covers the full of the torso, including the arms and neck. The mesh has been mapped with the standard skintight map, which you can find on the bottom of the page.

Note how the mesh has been carefully crafted to include no seams in the area where the legs meet the pelvis, removing that ugly line that most male skintight pants have in the lower half of the legs.

The crotch area has been improved to make it slightly bulkier, so that is has a more natural look to it.

The weighting of the mesh has been improved in the knee area so that the knees don't behave oddly in extreme poses, like the standard skintight meshes do.


The mesh features a single texture that complies with the standard skintight texture used for skintight products and skins. The texture is opacity-mapped and skin composite, so you can shape the skintight product to best suit your needs. You can find the standard mapping template for both male and female skintight products below. Choose the template that suits the mesh you're deriving from.

Texture name Image size
Color Tiling Notes
Female Skintight Map 256 x 512   No The map for the female skintight meshes. Fully opacity-mapped, skin-composite.
Male Skintight Map 256 x 512   No The map for the male skintight meshes. Fully opacity-mapped, skin-composite.

You can find ten versions of my skintight derivable meshes, five for males and five for females:

{F} Derivable Top Female

{F} Derivable Top Male
The torso mesh, including the arms and the neck, but not the pelvis.

{F} Derivable Bottom Female

{F} Derivable Bottom Male
The pelvis mesh, including the top half of the legs. In the male version, due to the way the male avatar is out, this mesh covers most of the legs.

{F} Derivable Pants Female

{F} Derivable Pants Male
The legs and pelvis mesh, particularly suitable for skinny pants.

{F} Derivable Half Bodysuit Female

{F} Derivable Half Bodysuit Male
The partial bodysuit mesh, covering the torso, pelvis, arms and the upper half of the legs.

{F} Derivable Bodysuit Female

{F} Derivable Bodysuit Male
The full bodysuit mesh, covering the torso, pelvis, arms and the whole of the legs.