Bloodwine is purported to be a popular alcoholic beverage among Klingons, best served warm. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior") As with many Klingon foods and beverages, it was not for the faint of heart. Bloodwine is believed to be highly intoxicating, to the point that most non-Klingons are scarcely capable of tolerating it; it is twice as potent as whiskey. (VOY: "The Killing Game, Part II") The first Human known to consume the beverage was Captain Jonathan Archer, while he awaited the verdict of his trial on Narendra III. (ENT: "Judgment") Klingon captains and generals are fond of carrying several barrels of their favorite vintages to celebrate victories. General Martok considered the vintage of 2309 to be the finest. (DS9: "Treachery, Faith and the Great River", "Once More Unto the Breach", "When It Rains...", "What You Leave Behind") Cmdr. Worf likes his bloodwine very young and very sweet. (DS9: "Change of Heart") He programmed the Enterprise-D replicators with a close version of bloodwine. (TNG: "Gambit, Part II") Bloodwine was traditionally consumed by warriors being inducted into the Order of the Bat'leth. (DS9: "Apocalypse Rising") Now that you know where and why Bloodwine is spoken of by Trekkers and Klingons alike. I created this goblet of the beverage as a gift for a friend that admires all things Klingon. It is not an accurate replica of the drinking cup used on screen just a handsome bronze mug half filled with Bloodwine. To the Klingon drinking from this fine cup.."Drink to dying honorably in glorious battle in the name of your ancestors" This is a non-refundable virtual product in my ever-growing catalog. Please use the links above to select another cup or create one for your proud Klingon house. Qa' Pla