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Fifth card of the Major Arcana of a tarot deck.

Dignified: The Emperor represents loyalty to structure, tradition, and to ritual. He represents the masculine aspect in that he is outward, upright, and specific with his dealings. The Emperor depicts someone who is successful in business and one who demands loyalty above all else. The Emperor demands the utmost respect and honor and he will only give help when he feels the situation genuinely warrants his interference. The Emperor uses direct analytical thinking when dealing with the different situations around him. He does not rely on the emotional and nurturing aspect of the Empress as he feels there is a time and a place for emotions to be displayed. The Emperor represents a father figure one that gives just and honorable advice and will help you to help yourself. The Emperor is the one who can be counted on time and time again to be a solid source of support when times are rough. The Emperor will always be there when you need him most.

Ill-Dignified: In a reversed position the Emperor represents disloyalty, a lack of attention to significant family and business matters, or indifference to what is just and correct. Reversed the Emperor signifies abusive and vulgar behavior or a crude and untrustworthy individual.