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Fourth card of the Major Arcana of a tarot deck.

Dignified: The Empress represents the emergence of the female archetype within. She suggests using care and love to solve a problem rather then brute force. The Empress shows that raising and nurturing is extremely important in setting a solid structure of support for any situation. The Empress does not demand action but suggests the correct path with subtle nudges and hints from her gentle nature. The Empress is the mother that takes care of her children no matter what the cost. She creates with genuine love and care and wants the best for those under her wings. She is the great empathizer and will bring great comfort to even the deepest of wounds. She is loving, compassionate, and willing to sacrifice in order to help others. The Empress is the female creative force and represents love, honor, fertility, womanhood, and the great mother.

Ill-Dignified: In a reversed position the Empress represents strong analytical thinking rather then the use of a guiding nature. Reversed she signifies a lack of emotional feeling for others or a lack of connection to the natural mother within. Reversed the Empress represents the use of force to control or manipulate a situation.