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Third card of the Major Arcana of a tarot deck.

Dignified: The High Priestess suggests the idea of using your inner intuition to come to an outward and effective outcome. In using intuition one will come to reliance solely on the self rather then outside influences. The High Priestess brings courage and strength from within and she encourages one to grow from within rather then depend on what others insist is for your highest good. The idea here is to listen to what your heart is telling you and follow those instincts. The High Priestess challenges us to listen to our emotions as they usually lead us in the right direction. The High Priestess does not always react to what is on the surface as she knows that something lies deeper within the depths.

Ill-Dignified: In a reversed position the High Priestess represents over-reliance on others thoughts and opinions. It signifies the inability to act instinctually or come to a conclusion on your own. Reversed the High Priestess depicts a person with self-doubt and one who refuses to act according to their own better judgment.