Vampires are the lords of the dead, ruling over vast armies of Undead and other evil minions. They feed upon the blood of the living and are an order of magnitude stronger than a normal man..

Blood Dragons are fallen knights, usually from realms that have a strict chivalric code - all to easily seduced by the chance to defeat all opponents in combat. Unlike many vampires they are souls in suffering, neither good nor evil in their aims unlike other clans they do not seek the extinciton of life, simply wishing to become the ultimate warrior. Out of all the vampiric bloodlines, the Blood Dragons are the most skilled at hand to hand combat and are the most militaristic, the Blood dragon bloodline is expanded when a Blood dragon finds an opponent skillful in combat or tactics. The downside of this militarism is that their spellcasting abilities are not as powerful as the other clans.

They still command legions of the dead risen from the grave to fight for them but as offensive spell casters they are lacking, this however does not concern them as they see magical combat as the cowards way. All vampires have super human strength and speed, the Blood Dragons combine these with skills that only the most powerful of the immortal elves can hope to match. They spend every day training, searching for adventure and challenges worthy of their skill. They have been known to leave towns and settlements intact if the towns choson champion impresses them in single combat.

The Blood Dragon progenitor is Abhorash who famously defeated the vampiric curse by drinking the blood of a dragon releasing himself from the blood lust, after conquering the dragon he told his brothers to go out and hone their combat skills until they are strong enough to defeat a dragon. His favourite, Walach Harkon, defeated an entire order of knights in combat, making those who fought well into vampires and killing the rest.

This item is breastplate and arm guards you can find the rest of the items of the set in my catalogue. As always try all items for compatibiity in advance as I cannot rectify mistakes.