As an answer to all the violent moves and blasts, I thought it would be fun to make a "Love Beam action".
With this Love Beam Action the avi's body hunches down and summons forth a powerful blast of pure love from it's hands. This Love Beam looks the best in dark environments, but will work too in pure white rooms.
I've made sound to match the ball growing and accompany the final blast

Type in "AR" to Blast Right, and "AL" to Blast Left.
This version is for Male avis ONLY!
In order to make the player's body animate, this model has replaced the Avie's hand. As such, this item is not compatible with other hand replacements, genders, or custom avi bodies. This will only work with the Default Male Avie's body.

You can find the Female versione here

Try-It before you Buy It!

Do not hesitate to pm me with questions or complaints should you have any.

My other products: If you need creds, be sure to check out these guys, they are by far the cheapest