Valentine Dance Ballroom:
This wonderful ballroom is ready for couples to dance the night away for Valentines Day.
The ballroom has open ceiling reveiling the night time starry sky to entince romance.
The upper walls are painted in a dark burgundy wine color with sillouhette of dancers doing a waltz and has a hand carved trim at the top painted in gold and dark burgundy. The lower portion of the wall is seperated with a diamond pattern border to match the dance floor and is wall-papered in a thick pin-stripped pattern of light gold/cream and burgundy to match the paint.
The dance floor for couple to take a twirl on is done in marble tiles for cream/gold with black streaks and dark varigated burgundy.
The double doors on both sides of the room are made from a dark, rich mahogany wood with tinted windows.
So, bring your loved one or special date to the Valentines Day dance and let the romance begin.
Room works well with Inv Animated Tango by Invisigoth, Inv Animated Waltz by Invisigoth, SPIN SPOT! by DreamWeaver1, and any other dance move or action that is in IMVU.
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Other GnawtyGirl Designs can be seen here.