The Armand Avatar is the third of my collection of vampire avatars. This avatar was inspired by the character played by Antonio Banderas, adapted for the FEMALE avatar. Armand is the calm and confident leader of the vampires in Paris. I wanted to make a vampire that was sexy but not overtly threatening or frightening. The Armand avatar will carry on with itself as the quiet, thoughtful character, but still with the qualities of an irresistable vampire.

You are purchasing the TALL body type avatar for this product!

This is a TALL sized Female avatar with a collection of Armand style vampire poses. You can also BOW with this after in an aristocrat vampire way. Just put this avatar on and you will be the scary vampire. All together there are 22 triggers for actions and 24 facial expressions. Please refer to the chart and list below for all the triggers.

Above is the image of some of the poses for this product, including 6 Stand poses, 6 Sitting poses, floor, kneel, squat and lay poses and much more. Make your own scary Vampire avatar with different skintones and outfits! In case you want to make the same as the image above it includes these other products:

Here is a list of all the trigger words for this product:
Poses*bow, *stand1, *stand2, *stand3, *stand4, *stand5, *stand6, *sit1, *sit2, *sit3, *sit4, *sit5, *sit6, *floor, *kneel, *squat, *lay, *hi, *hello, *bye, *wave, *sup, *cya, *later, *peace, *imvu, *, **, ***, ****
Facial Expressions*happy, *joy, *grin, *smile, *angry, *sad, *fear, *surprise, *shock, *disgust, *confused, *worry, *cool, *blank, *evil, *contempy, *squint, *stink, *whoops, *shame, *shy, *pleasure, *pride, *love

Above is the image of the major body types that THE AVATAR FACTORY provides. Please look at the product name carefully and confirm which body type you are purchasing. (As of this stage there are currently no plans to release a HUGE female avatar)