This is a voice box for my friend using his voice. The ring is white with a blue stone and diamond D in the middle. A symbol of our friendship and of my guidance to him. The triggers and sayings are...

ask = feel free to ask if you have a question
back = alright I'm back what'd I miss
backsoon = back so soon?
brother = brother
comedian = ha ha mister comedian
comein = come in, sit down, make yourself at home
die = you can't fight inevitability, one day just like everybody else you're going to die
funny = *laugh* that's funny
go = I'll take care of things here, you go
good = ohhh good.
haha = *laughs*
hello = hello there
howru = how are you?
gotit = don't worry I'll handle it
irrational = don't do anything irrational
lol = *laugh*
lost = I am so lost in this conversation
mymy = my my what have we here?
notbad = not too bad
slowdown = whoa whoa slow down
uok? = something bothering?
illstay = ahhh I think i'm gonna stay right here
stillwithus = glad to see you're still with us
ty = thank you
tyt = take your time
ugly = well seems you've certainly become acquainted with the ugly stick
urgood = alright so you're good
vampire = i'm no vampire, just like blood, hate the sunlight
whatever = whatever you say
wb = welcome back
weexist = in a world filled with unexplainable phenominon, under the nose of every ignorant being on the planet, we exist and there is nothing you can do to stop us
wau = what about you?
watrudoing? = what are you doing?
wheresbro = where is brother?
wheresma = where is mother?
whosthis = who's the kid?
ugotit = you got it