Your personnal sound box with your own voice on IMVU ? Contact me online or send me a private message "eomer1967". Rates are: - 1 200 credits for 10 voices - 2 000 credits for 20 voices - 50 credits for each additionnal voice. - On request and without additionnal charge: choice of triggers. Allowed langages: - English - French - German - Italian - Spannish - Dutch Other European langages on request with translation in English or French langage. Constraints: - Each sound must be 20 seconds max - Final product must be 2 Go max: almost 80 x 5 seconds or 40 x 10 seconds - No music - No racism, suicide, peadophilia, crime apology - Products will be rated "General Audiance" or "Adult Pass Only" and will have to be validated by "peer-review". Conditions of payement: Products will be upload on IMVU's catalog and available with credits. Discount will be applied to VIP members.