Master Castle

This is a castle with 4 rooms and a top level balcony

mastercastlepic.jpg picture by mutsies

It even has winding stairs leading to the upper floors

 There are plenty of wall and furniture nodes to add paintings and furniture

mastercastlepic6.jpg picture by mutsies

mastercastlepic0.jpg picture by mutsies

mastercastlepic7.jpg picture by mutsies     mastercastlepic8.jpg picture by mutsies

mastercastlepic9.jpg picture by mutsies

mastercastlepic10.jpg picture by mutsies

mastercastlepic3.jpg picture by mutsies

mastercastlepic2.jpg picture by mutsies

I used this furniture to make it a cool place

You can find them in my catalog

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mastercastlepic4.jpg picture by mutsies

Click on the Banner

developermutsiebanner.gif picture by mutsies

mutsiebanner.gif picture by Mutssss