Template1 - fem
Racquet Guitar

Rock like you've never rocked before with this tennis racquet! Comes with 6 animated poses and 5 facial expressions so you can sing while you play and be like a rockstar!
To hold the guitar, type hold. To strum it, type strum. These two poses use only the top part of your body.
The triggers for the animated playing poses are play1 - play4. The triggers for the animated facial expressions are lalala and ooh1 - ooh4.

Compatible with both male and female avatars, but will be listed under Female Accessories in your inventory.
Please note that the facial expressions may differ depending on what head you use.
This product is derivable! See instructions below.


All products in the above images can be found in my Catalogue.

Instructions for deriving:
Use the templates below to create your textures. I have included the opacity map for the racquet strings for you to use if it will be of help to you. Please note that the textures have been resized to 256x256 if the template was not already that size. All materials are opacity enabled.

Racquet top
Racquet middle
Strings opacity

Please do not use my textures or set your derivation to derivable.
Be creative and have fun!

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