Halloween T-Shirts!

Three different Halloween Themed T-shirts, all fully animated. There is a flaming Jack O' Lantern on a black shirt. The flames look real as they dance. On a dark brown shirt the glowing eyes and mouth of a Jack O' Lantern fade in and out. A slow pulse of light from grinning gourd. Finally a pumpkin orange shirt with Jack's face on it, except in 10 seconds Jack has a new face. Just long enough for someone to think "I thought that looked different." Watch the fun when they catch on. Male and Female versions naturally.

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Halloween Flames by LordDarcy
Halloween Fade by LordDarcy
Halloween Faces by LordDarcy

The Female T-Shirts:

Halloween Flame
Halloween Fade
Halloween Faces

The Male T-Shirts:

Halloween Flame
Halloween Fade
Halloween Faces

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