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Animated Pontiac GTO car female only has 20 car animations and 3 sitting spot for other players to join you use the word sett to ride the car

This is Avatar product will replace your deafult avi can be used any where

Not!! to remove the product just apply any female avatar

Creators can use these textures


LDO = left door open

LDC = left door close

RDO = right door open

RDC = right door close

font>bo = bonnet open

bc = bonnet close

to = trunk open

tc = trunk close

closed = close the driver door with animation

sett = open diver door and return to idle pose

spin = all wheels spins

stop = all wheels stops

R= Steering right

L = Steering left

burnout = burnout animations with smoke and sound effects

drift8 = drift in 8 shape path

drift0 = drift in circle shape path

chk = open bonnet and check the engine with smoke effect

p1 = set on the hood

p2 = stand in front of the car

p3 = stand in front of the car

p4 = stand in front of the car

p5 = stand in front of the car

hopf = hip hop action front

hopb = hip hop action back

hopm = hip hop action right left

Have fun and share this amazing car with friends