Hello! If you have come to this page on your own, please move along. This product is not for you, unless you want a ridiculously expensive, big old key on a rope necklace. If I have sent you here, I've got some bitter news. I've had such awful drama with my room moderators in the past, that there is now a fee. The cost of this necklace. I know, I know, it's awful and you've probably already yelled "NOPE!" and closed this page in a hurry. But in case you're still here, allow me to explain. I absolutely CANNOT stand it when people let the power of moderating go to their heads. They boot people left and right, break all of my rules and even start fighting EACH OTHER for crying out loud! I won't have it. I'm not just modding anyone anymore. If you want to prove that I won't make a mistake by modding you, then buy this necklace. (And no, you cannot buy it and then demand that I mod you, just because you bought it. That's. . . Not how it works.) BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! You should also try to wear it when in the room. It doesn't go with your outfit? Well that sucks, but work uniforms usually do. Be glad I'm not making you wear a frilly pink skirt.