The Usher Spell Book

Works for both Male and Female.
My Spell Book, with black cover of 2 crows on a skull. Comes with crappy red dagger (don't like my crappy dagger? Don't buy it.) 5 poses and 4 attacks.

Triggers are::
read = to read the book
magicread = flip through the book
Dagger = call forth a dagger
hover = hover off the ground

Attacks are::
Air-Blast // AB = magic air attack
Ground-blast // GB = magic attack from the ground
Tornato = lighting twister attack
Vines = grass vines attack from the ground
Heal = purple healing magic

Pose are::
Pose1 = Pose2 = Pose3

Ross Sylibus Products

~Terms and warnings and other small print~
- Yes I am awesome. Please don't hold back from leave a review telling me so. You know you want too. ;)
- No Newts where harmed in the making of this Spell Book.
- I do not hold any responsibility or have any control to the pose/animated spots.
- You are paying for the time it took me to make this product and half of it goes to IMVU for letting me.
- Do not flag my products.
-Whoever you are stop sending me spam about IM you on a fake account. I don't want to talk to you and what you are selling is against IMVU polices.