The normal vampire blobs are cute and all, but this blob will suck your soul with his cuteness. It may have taken me forever to rebuild the texture map for the wing, but at least now it looks nice and leathery.

It's action words are like all blobs "yes", "no", "wave", "clap" and "yay".

If there is enough request I will make other versions of this one in different colours, or with different styles.

The original author of all the drops (DDR) made his drops derivable, but I never found his opacity maps or what-ever to have a lead on where to draw what detail on his drops. So I ended up redrawing them myself with a lot of trial and error. These are NOT the original maps since those were twice as wide (and the half blobs were circles instead of elipses I think). This is my own version of it, so use it at your own risks.