Painting-Zodiac Sign Taurus

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The Taurus

Zeus, the lord of gods,
metamorphosed himself into the white bull,
is passing through the wide ocean.
On his back is his beloved Europe,
a beautiful princess of Phoenicia.
The couple is heading for far land of honeymoon.
Europe is certain to live happily there,
wherefore the land is called Europe.

Mythology of the Constellation Taurus

According to the Greek mythology, Zeus, the father of the Greek gods fell in love with Europa, the Phoenician princess. She was always guarded by her father's soldiers. Zeus transformed himself into a beautiful white bull with a pair of golden horns and wandered towards her while she was plucking flowers in her garden.

Europa was mesmerized by the beauty of the white bull and made him her pet. They became instant friends. One day, Europa climbed onto the back of the white bull, who making use of the opportunity, carried her away to Crete. After reaching Crete, Zeus revealed himself and later married her. According to Greek mythology, Zeus as a white bull represents the constellation Taurus.

Constellation Taurus

Taurus is one of the constellations of the zodiac. The name of the constellation is from the word "taurus" which is the Latin word for a "bull". Taurus is a large and prominent constellation in the northern hemisphere's winter sky, between Aries to the west and Gemini to the east; to the north lie Perseus and Auriga, to the southeast Orion, to the south Eridanus, and to the southwest Cetus.

In September and October Taurus is visible in the evening along the eastern horizon. The most favorable time to observe Taurus in the night sky is during the months of December and January. By March and April the constellation will appear to the west during the evening twilight.



Framed painting

With floor node which could be placed anywhere or floating in the room

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