this castle loft comes with an animated ocean moon scene this loft patterned after the great Volturi Castle were all the Vamps,Dracula and ghoulies,Zombies,WereWolfs Hang out dont worry you dont have to be any of those if you dont want to but heres some history read below: Heidi: The "fisher", also the "bait", of the coven. Her power of physical attraction allows her to attract people, vampire or human, which is why she is mainly responsible for luring "food" to the Volturi's castle. Mates of the Volturi leaders. The wives are also powerful figures of authority, but only go to trials with their husbands on behalf of extremely important matters, not leaving their tower in Volterra but once every few centuries. Since then, the wives became virtual prisoners in their tower. To keep them happy and content, Aro sent Corin to keep them company, using her power of being able to provide people with an addictive contentment. The wives are well protected in their tower. good price for this quality try it before you purchase it please! you'll like it!