this is a voicebox that i created with my own voice.
it contains 60 triggers! 60 words for any occasion

kiss , noway , hi , sure , okey , hai , rawr , hihi , realy , hey! , omg , right , haha, sayeli , bastard , konichiwa , sosorry , nani , serious , loveu , brb , back , no , yeah , yes , ty , yw , cute , lol , youwish , where , heyyou , loveu2 , np , hot , chii , why , gtg , risk , chii? , party , tysm , help , private , missu , asl , asap , gnight , rock , question , whyy , rawrrr , meow , great , bye , sexy , usure , mishi , nanana , underpants

you might notice the trigger 'mishi' and 'sayeli' , the word mishi has absolutely NO meaning, i use it randomly in real life , even when ppl are not around , i dont know where it comes from but i deceided to add it , and the trigger sayeli says 'hi im sayeli and u' , i always dreamed of having a trigger like that so i added it so i cud use it xD pretty fair i hope? the rest is dayly used by everyone so i hope you like it